
Do I dare call myself "green" when i'm really just in love with "small"?

i'm a native californian..i was a "half-ass hippie" in my college days...tried to understand why my vegetarian friends were snippy when i pigged out at either Carl's, McDonald's, or the Colonel's (what i call the "holy trinity")....and NOW i do what every responsible "earthling" does...conserve water, recycle trash & pressure my husband to replace our "gas-guzzlers".

as with all my "new age" experience there was always an element of hedonism...i was a dam good-looking half-ass hippie in those long peasant dresses.... AND CONFESSION... i think those electric cars are soooooo CUTE.

1 comment:

Lisa at Visual Journey Photo said...

Your motivation works - enjoy all that goes with it! *whispers* I think they're cute too.