
Other views of my new studio...

my husband made this really nifty bead cart on wheels...it has carpeting on top so i can examine beads, a measuring tape so i can measure out beading wire, and pull-out drawers that carry clear plastic jars of beads...gives me an overview of the beads i have.

i wish everyone had a life partner like john...not only does he make me feel loved, but he can fix or build anything!

My containers of cloth & yarn w/ family shrine

My mom's old Singer sewing machine...

My make-shift light tent

Living room...Schliving room!

it finally dawned on my husband that we are never going to have children (we're too old...denial is the last thing to go). he also realized that my studio was taking up way too much room from the family room. i don't cook, & john doesn't barbeque so both our families have resigned themselves to hosting any necessary family gatherings at their own homes, so a formal living room seems like such wasted space.

john has a thing for power tools (sorry, i've heard all the psychological crap about that...i might agree with it, but i love the power tools too....talk about chop saw envy!), so he has taken over the garage.

now i have some place i can spread out too!!!

knock...knock...who's there?

finally, i'm back in. just to let everyone know...i was lost for a long while because i forgot my password and refused to admit that fact for a number of months. when i did remember, i quickly made an entry praising another indie designer and clicked to published but only got an on-going blinking circle that finally stopped to announced that my entry was lost for some unknown reason and may or may not be sorted out in a few days.

after a few days i checked back...but again i couldn't get into my blog site. i had written down my password so i knew that wasn't the problem...but you know what, I'M BACK!!...i don't care how it was done. there may be something very scientific to explain it or maybe there is a slight visual similarity between the wire sodering pattern on my motherboard to the baby jesus...but i'm not concerned...i'm just so happy I'M BACK!