a wonderful woman (margaret) at a shop called "home body" (selling clothing, jewelry, journals & crafts) told me i was neglecting a very important group of people. those women & men who would like to wear bracelets but are afraid that those "demolition derby" baubles that they see in magazines might cause their laptops to die an early & ugly death...so i now have an ample grouping of kimono cuffs at my site to please those "bauble-fearing" freaks :)
checkout margaret's shop if you're in the area: "home body", 119 N. main st., suite 101, blacksburg, VA 24060, (540) 552-8880. she is of the rare breed of non-exploitive shop owners, we should all support.
All your items are looking great! Your website looks great too. I checked your order(paypal) button but don't think it adds things to the cart. You might want to check that. Maybe it's just me.
thanks for taking the time to view my site again...and a "zillion" thanks for telling me about the (paypal) problem. my technical person (hubby) will try to correct asap. wish us luck...hubby made these scary wrinkles on his forehead when i told him.
p.s. thank you also anne for being my motivation & inspiration. your generous advice early on helped to formulate my new site. i will always be grateful to your style & generousity.
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