
The Wonderful World of Wearable Art

this is a very mild taste of this fantastical world... but i wasn't able to transport the pics i wanted to so i'll introduce you to them thru links galore here and in my "favorite blogs list".

First is the link to Montana World of Wearable Art...it's based in New Zealand and they have a dedicated group who produces a wonderful "WOW" gala every year.

There is a wonderful blog dedicated to promoting & educating people to the art that exists in this form of art: http://wearableartblog.com/

Now this venue isn't strictly wearable art BUT there are some represented... but all that is presented is like jewels in a treasure chest...enjoy! http://www.mobilia-gallery.com/

All these venues are prized and promoted by a new venue market called "Wearable Art Market" ...(WAM) at the 1000 Markets...please come visit us.